Forums » Song Packs » [4k-KB+PAD] Jubo 2023 OtakuVibes Simfiles Pack Released!={2024-May06}

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Jubo 2021 OtakuVibes [Updated: 2022-Jan-31]

Video P/Review at Facebook.

45 + 5 Exclusives = 50 Songs!
Yay, a better year. BN/JKT Videos. FLACs MKVs. hololive! Anime, damn~! Large filesizes ;)

Head on over to Otaku's Dream Forums for more information!

Jubo 2022 OtakuVibes [Updated: 2023-Feb-01]

Video P/Review at Facebook.

40 Mainly Anime Songs!
Majority Chainsaw Man ;)

Head on over to Otaku's Dream Forums or Google Sheet for more information!

The Annual Yearly Jubo's Simfile Pack Release, 2022. Enjoy!
Jubo 2023 OtakuVibes Simfile Pack Release! [77 Songs]

Jubo 2023 OtakuVibes has now officially ended. Now Released!

Head onto the ODForums for more info:


77 Songs Total~~! (+37 more songs than 2022. HOLY SHIII~! What did I do this year?)
37 FLAC Songs (I tried...)
13 Long/Marathon Songs (+12 more than Last Year. WTF Jubo?)
14 Donated Songs Completed. (Thank you donators!)

SongWheel Preview Video VIA Facebook Video
Can't upload this on YouTube so Facebook always to my rescue :D

See you AGAIN! in 2025.
For 2024 OtakuVibes Pack. HAH~!

Last edited: 1 March 2024 7:24am
